martes, 17 de agosto de 2010

Frog FTK

El Tremendo FTK frog, casi todo el mundo los tenia en el olvido!!! y ahora hicieron y seguiran haciendo desastres hasta la ban list de septiembre.

domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Llamado a la organización Club Bolívar

aprovechando este momento de "pausa" hago un llamado a todos los jugadores de ciudad bolivar, para que llevemos una mejor organizacion con respecto a los torneos.  un ranking interno, que creo que es necesario. (no solo por ego de los jugadores) considero que va mas alla de eso, necesitamos estar organizados, ademas, que este tipo de ranking interno, motiva a los jugadores y alimenta su competitividad, que es necesaria para progresar.

 los clubes de afuera mantienen esa organizacion aun, para nuestro torneo nacional llamado el "Elite" donde se miden los primeros 8 de cada estado.

es un excelente torneo el cual hay que mantenerlo. con ese reglamento, y porsupuesto crear otros torneos YGO a nivel nacional que no requieran un top.

hago un llamado a la union del juego en ciudad bolivar, no es solo comprar cartas y caimanear, tambien vamos a tener algo de organizacion.

 No es necesario esperar a tener todas las cartas o el deck del momento para ser competitivo, razon por la cual yo creo, que muchos jugadores intermedios y nuevos se limitan a entrar en torneos. CREANME que no es necesario. las cartas esta  accesibles y lo que se necesita es creatividad. SI HAY UN DECK META, sencillamente arma uno antimeta. que necesitas TODAS las cartas, mentira. solo una buena estructuracion, y practica.

Considero que este tipo de torneos no deben tener un costo alto de entrada, a mi opinon no deben pasar de 10 bsf, aunque el premio sea solamente 1 bosster a primer lugar.  si es que se decide cobrar por entrada y entregar premios.

a los jugadores de aqui de la ciudad, espero pongan atencion en este asunto porque es importante.

a los que puedan criticar, les comento, esto no lo publico por mi mismo, sino por ustedes y por el crecimiento del juego aqui en la ciudad. porque saben muy bien que casi nunca me da tiempo de ir a los torneos.

Me despido por unas semanas, nos vemos en maracaibo Fellaz!!


lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

nacional venezuela

lamentablemente no figure en el torneo nacional. por multiples errores sobretodo en la primera partida. no hubo sorpresas en deck. aunque si hubo muchos deck removedores, con plus caius + raizas. dimensional fissure, macrocosmos, decks pensados contra dandywarrior, flawvell entre 

 Este es el deck que jugue, quickdraw dandy warrior, sin duda uno de los mejores decks del momentos, lamentablemente unos cuantos errores mios y un poco de mala suerte combinaron para no progresar en el tan esperado torneo.

de igual forma mediverti bastante y comparti con amigos de todo el pais. felicitaciones a los ganadores, y con la fe puesta en ellos para el continental en peru!!

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

saliendo al nacional YGO Venezuela....

pronto colocare informacion sobre el torneo. seran un total de 65 jugadores de distintas zonas de venezuela, se mandaran al continental de peru 12 jugadores. esperamos brindar el mejor desempeño.. suerte a todos los jugadores!

 Side Deck


viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Variante Deck Gladiator Beast que te parece?

2x Honest
2x Cyber Dragon
1x Phantom Dragon
1x Rescue Cat
2x Elemental Hero Prisma
2x Test Tiger
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Gladiator Beast Bestiari
2x Gladiator Beast Laquari
1x Gladiator Beast Equeste
1x Gladiator Beast Secutor
1x Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
2x Gladiator Beast Darius
1x Gladiator Beast Samnite
1x Gladiator Beast Murmillo
1x X-Saber Airbellum

2x Book of Moon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Giant Trunade
1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Mirror Force
2x Starlight Road
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Gladiator Beast War Chariot
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Waboku
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Trap Stun

Side Deck:
1x Doomcaliber Knight
2x Thunder King Rai-Oh
2x Legendary Jujitsu Master
2x Dimensional Fissure
1x Brain Control
1x Mind Control
2x Burden of the Mighty
1x System Down
2x Royal Oppression
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck:
2x Stardust Dragon
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Mist Wurm
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
2x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

Regional Pto Ordaz.

if i can describe that tourney with a one word, would be, Difficult, seven rounds, seven enemys in the field... the decks were varied. many times i really get in shock at the start of the match, i will try to describe the seven decks against which I played...

1-at the start of tourney, i play vs, GB, of a big friend, Xero, that duel was the key to research the victory, so diffcult, to much suffering to win, we were in the second game, i drop to 300 lp, xero's get 6400 lp, i was thinking i will lose. but was very helpfull the draw, pot of avarice, cyber dragon, caius, dimensional prison, and dust tornado, that game was so long. was so awful cuz, i battle a lot gbs in that game until he ran out of monters, i really surprise, cuz I was just killing with a token of gorz with 2400atk... in the last of game we juz have       100 lp-100lp, finnaly i win that match with that token of gorz... 

2-  in the second round i play vs Spellcaster , with a touch opression, i see many kycco, secret ville of spellcaster, many prohibition, that surprised me, but en the first game, i win, with the help of rykos, make me no problem, to use my spells, like pot of avarice, in the 2 game i juz side 2 breaker magical warrior.. to help me to prevent the village, indeed, my spy's and desendant were there to help with that too... i win 2-0 with no problem.. but was a good player that guys, who come's from other country to play this regional...

3- i got a mirror, and i dont use anything for side deck, cuz, i was thinking in shield crush to prevent rykos and hamster, but, i really dont care about mirrors.. i juz trust in chaniable cards, like dust tornado,  and getting fast stardust...  was a good game, but i got a plus from airbellum, mind control, to destroy my opponent hand....

4- one of the must hardess game, incredible, vs a Gadljiitron deck, with ancient fairy, black salvo, geartown, pseudo space, making my traps  really poor, with gadljiltron effect... the first, i lose... making many mistake's in da synchros... but, in the 2 i juz side, jiujitsu master, and getting more focused , concluding, i win the 2 game, in the third i juz dropped the enemy Lp to 2400, i had 8000 with no problem, with colosal, jiujitsu facedown, and one survived ryko in faceup defense.., before the rules of three turns,  i got the victory cyz the oppo  could not make me dmg...

5-  i play vs a zombie deck, was hard, but i fell i got advantage cuz all my yugioh-life  i played zombie, and i was thinking (i cant lose cuz the tourney goes out of my hands) i play serene, and juz side 1 ddcrow and 1 kycco, concluding 2-1 the game i lost was for  fault of jinzo, vs my opening  hand 4 traps- 1spell and 1 monster, was gorz...  

6- that match i thought (fuck thats the end) was a Dimensional Eatos deck,  i cant describe the diffcult  was that. i think i win, cuz in the 2's game's i juz had something to stop Return from the Different Dimension  and lift the game's

the key was, solemn, vs skill drain,  solemn vs return from other dimension, and Gorz... (i cant believe many times i will lose, gorz save me)

7- the last round was with a big friend, roger, Bw deck,  the final, for winning the regional. was hard, but i really think hamsters make disaster all the time, looking for ryko or airbellum, i think is imba, without side deck i think that deck is so hard to beat. i juz try to destroy all monsters he had, cuz he dont get black whirlwind fast... when i draw starlight road, i was thinking this is the key, no icarus, no heavy, with dimensional prison set...  i lose one game, really fast. to many bw on the field, to many special, and no hamsters. no firedogs, no rykos... was awfull, in the third i juz kill one catastor with, cyber dragon plus caius, and getting faster colosal, to break all oportunity in the field. at the end i juz had lucky with rescue cat, plus, airbellums to kill... 

thats the way, i cant describe all.. but i try... well, this post, is for the friends of usa,

I have seen many ppl like to read my experience. in the game...  thanks btw, and feedback me. 

so many thanks to all players, and my friends... that juz the start... the true challenge its coming.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Nacional YGO 2010

El Nacional, Estara Bien Rudo, Porque los decks estan mas parejos que nunca, la ban list, quito mucho "Abuser" en los decks, y realmente esta bien variada la participacion de los decks que pronto veremos en el nacional.

Hasta ahora los Clasificados para el torneo de mayor prestigio de nuestro pais son:

Oviedo Asdrubal
Rincon Nelson
Acevedo Carlos
Ramos Giovanni
Rosal Reinaldo
Rosal Harrys
David Griselt
Goatache Rafael
Angel Silva
Jose Lopez
Jean Rivera
Carlos Sanchez
Aldrin Ortega
Marx Davalillo
Carlos Urdaneta
Yohan Marquez
Alejandro Ortaz
Carlos Garcia
Miguel Gonzalez
Francisco Urbaez
Lenin Carmona
Xavier Hernandez
Marx Davalillo
Sergio Velorio

Top 8 Maracaibo (pendiente)

Este Domingo 2 de mayo, se jugara el ultimo regional clasificatorio,en pto ordaz, a la espera de los ultimos ocho candidatos para completar los 40 jugadores que participaran, por la la clasificacion al intercontinental. ¿De donde sera el ganador? estoy seguro, que se van a deshuesar en ese torneo. en el cual hay que dejar todo. Pronto, mas informacion sobre los ultimos 8 clasificados.

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

sábado, 27 de marzo de 2010

Fail Moments (Italy Version)

Accoglierà i visitatori!
Ho passato con la mente, ha creato un post, qualcosa di comico a quello che sappiamo di Yugi ... Questo argomento è di circa il PERDE più rilevanti che abbiamo commesso ...

Esempio:Una volta, in un giro di gioco quarti Tenia Dominate Top, l'opponente aveva lasciato circa 1600 lp, seteado tennis solenne ... a sua volta l'avversario con due carte ... Prevede una krebons .. e ho messo il non solenne, CHANCE, e naturalmente il mio fallimento e non, a rivedere la tua tomba, è stata di 3 Darl, Basso DAD, Partio i due di cui sopra, e ha spinto per il gioco ...
Un errore epica che mi è costato fino alla finale ...
Ora mi dica poi non riescono a farlo era ... :)

